About Pritchardia USA Inc.

Pritchardia USA Inc. (PRIT), registered in Wyoming, USA and focuses on emerging companies in wedding and events management, insurance, and green energy development.

How Can We Improve ourself?

How Can We Improve the World?

Pritchardia is a diversified holding company providing several opportunities under one umbrella that allows us to mitigate the investor's risk. For rapid profitable growth this diversification allows us to protect the investment through economic swings and capitalize on growth trends that provide security and stability during global monetary shifts and continue to expand financial growth perspectives.

New synergies will develop between the various business units. While each business unit has their own individual financial and business strengths, these synergies when coordinated effectively, will allow for greater cost effectiveness and strategic gains overall. The ability to redirect capital to create a well-balanced conglomerate that mimics the general fluctuations of the economy results in increased profitability and consistency of results in any economic climate.

We aim high at being focused on building relationships with our clients and community. Using our creative gifts drives this foundation.

Working together on the daily requires each individual to let the greater good
of the team’s work surface above their own ego.